Skyway Resource Center Groundbreaking Ceremony, Seattle
January 2024

Säzän Group provided Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (MEP), ICT, and Lighting Design as part of Schemata Workshop’s team to renovate a space for the new Skyway Resource Center in Seattle, WA.
King County Housing Authority (KCHA) and Community Development Association (CDA) planned a complete modernization of a two-level, 5,000 SF former U.S. Bank Building and site for reuse as a neighborhood service center. Primary spaces will include a lobby/reception, private and shared offices, meeting rooms, video conference rooms, and accessible restrooms. A new stairway, an elevator (lift), and a separate unconditioned storage building will be included. An electrical “PV Ready” design per Energy Code was included in the future PV array installation scope.
The Skyway Resource Center is the result of years of community planning, dating back to 2014 when Schemata Workshop led a Community Center Visioning Process. In August of 2021, the U.S. Bank donated its building to King County Housing Authority to be the permanent location for the Skyway Resource Center.
We participated in the Groundbreaking Ceremony on January 18th. We celebrate this next step to opening the new center that will “establish a space open to the community where service providers can conduct programs geared toward activities to benefit youth, seniors, and other targeted populations.” Learn more here:
Pictured: Tom Marseille (Säzän Group), Geoff Anderson (Schemata Workshop)