Main office location Seattle, WA
Year started in industry 1981
Year started at Säzän 2021
Project types/specialty
Sustainability and High-Performance Buildings
An award-winning mechanical engineer, Tom has a passion and expertise concentrated on developing high-performance solutions for clients—solutions that are practical, maintainable, healthy, and resource-responsible. He focuses on integrated systems design, delivery of best-in-class performance outcomes for buildings, low total cost of ownership, SMART building strategies, and development of resilience-enhancing solutions. Tom brings extensive experience leading MEP system renewal equipment replacement projects and providing MEP design oversight on tenant improvements and full modernizations of existing buildings.
With experience building and leading multi-disciplinary teams within the AEC industry and in a related technology sector, Tom applies his project and program management expertise to deliver projects in high-pressure, complex, schedule-driven environments successfully. He is a regional pioneer in the energy systems performance analysis and design for zero net buildings and, throughout his career, has worked on numerous projects pursuing Living Building certification. Before Säzän, he led a 50+ person globally dispersed team of building performance analysts and software designers to develop tools and techniques to deliver enterprise-level actionable energy information to private and public clients.
Tom is an author of numerous published papers, a frequent speaker, and an instructor. He received his Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of California, Berkeley. He previously sat on the board of AIA Seattle and the International Living Future Institute and served on the technical committee that developed the inaugural version of ANSI/ASHRAE/IED Standard 189.1 for the design of high-performance green buildings.