Port of Seattle Terminal 86 Infrastructure Upgrade Projects

With its multiple storage silos, conveyors, sorters, elevators and booms, Terminal 86 is able to load a modern grain ship in three days and handles five million metric tons of grain a year.
Terminal 86 operator, Louis Dreyfus Commodities, hired Säzän Group to provide local support for site-wide electrical and mechanical upgrades. Tasks included a comprehensive engineering field survey of the electrical equipment that contributes to arc flash hazard; engineering, design, and construction support for a new emergency generator; planning and design of phased programs for the replacement of aging electrical distribution and dust collector equipment; and engineering support for a new utility transformer pad.
The project includes hydraulic, machine, welding, and fabrication shops as well as spaces for engine testing and calibration, paint and sandblast booths, showrooms, offices, and retail areas.