Jennifer Miglioratti

Female person wearing glasses and a blue shirt on a dark background

Jennifer Miglioratti

Marketing Director

Main office location Portland, OR

Year started in industry 2003

Year started at Säzän 2021

As the Marketing Director for Säzän Group, Jennifer leads the team through the pursuit process. She oversees, coordinates, and participates in developing marketing strategies and collateral to support business development and the company's ongoing growth. After nearly 20 years in Upstate NY developing and leading marketing and communications for a large construction firm, Jennifer packed up and moved across the country during a pandemic as part of a long-ago dream to live in the PNW area. Previously, she worked in television and advertising and spent several years developing B2B and B2C brands.

She is an active member of SMPS, sits on the Business Development and Leadership Roundtable, and offers her skills on a volunteer basis as often as possible for various not-for-profits, including sustainability, children’s welfare organizations, and animal rescue. Jennifer also worked as a volunteer in the music industry, helping with promotion and radio shows, and as luck would have it, it made it into an award-winning video.

Mountains, coast, or desert?
I moved west for all three!
What would your superpower be?
Shapeshifting because then I can do whatever I want to do and be wherever I want to be, unnoticeable.
Drink of choice?
Champagne - preferably sabered!
Cats, dogs, or other?
I want to pet all the animals!
What would your walk-up song be?
She's a Rainbow by The Rolling Stones
Favorite project. Why?
There are no best or worst or favorites. Everything we do in life (and work) offers an opportunity for a learning experience. If you contribute, try your best, and focus on the overall end game, you should still find something to be proud of and hopefully enjoy along the way.