Jack Newman

Male person in a dark shirt on a dark background

Jack Newman


Director of Clean Energy Solutions

Main office location Seattle, WA

Year started in industry 2008

Year started at Säzän 2018

Project types/specialty

Sustainability Consulting, Clean Energy Solutions, Grant Application Assistance, Tribal Energy Project Development, Strategic Energy Planning for Climate Adaptation

Jack Newman is the Director of Clean Energy Solutions at Säzän and is a Certified Renewable Energy Professional with over 15 years of experience working in the green building industry. He leads the firm’s sustainability and clean energy practice, focusing on microgrid project development and regenerative design methods. Jack also serves as the Tribal Sector Lead at Säzän and has assisted numerous Tribes through successful grant applications and awards to fund clean energy, climate adaptation, and community resilience projects.

Jack has a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Management from the University of Washington. He serves on the Board of Directors for Solar Washington, a non-profit association that advances solar energy in Washington State where he focuses on community-scale clean energy implementation. He also brings experience managing the Zero Energy Building Certification Program for the International Living Future Institute establishing building codes, incentives, and programs to support the growth of high-performance projects.

Jack is integral in guiding Säzän’s public and private clients and partners in the latest renewable energy, energy efficiency, and battery storage solutions. He believes in prioritizing sustainability and resilience and bringing together individuals, communities, businesses, and governments to help create a better and more sustainable future for where we live, work, and play.

Dream job (if you weren’t working here!)?
Chief Innovation Officer at Gibson Guitars
Drink of choice?
coconut water
Favorite book?
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Best bit of advice you have ever received?
Forward ever, backward never
What would your walk-up song be?
This Love of Mine by Dennis Brown
Favorite project. Why?
My favorite project at Säzän is hard to pick! The Quinault Indian Nation microgrid and grant application project stand out, where we provided assistance to help strengthen community energy resilience, climate adaptation, and tribal sovereignty, supported by a US Department of Energy grant award.