Chris Maroney

Male person in glasses with light shirt and dark jacket on dark background

Chris Maroney


Managing Principal

Main office location Tempe, AZ

Year started in industry 1993

Year started at Säzän 2018

Project types/specialty

Healthcare, Industrial, Commercial

Chris is responsible for the overall performance of Säzän Group’s Arizona offices. He began his career in the engineering industry in 1993. He has Professional Engineering, Mechanical licenses in Arizona, Washington, Nevada, and California. Over his 30-year career, Chris has developed expertise in mechanical, plumbing, and process piping design; project management; and construction administration services for diverse facility types. In addition to his design and project management experience, he has led mechanical, electrical, and plumbing consulting companies through successful and sustainable growth, developing internal programs to strengthen the company’s teams and the products provided to their clients.

Chris has a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Engineer Mathematics from the University of Arizona. He is actively involved with several affiliations, both regionally and nationally. He currently participates with AIA, ASHRAE, USGBC, and ILFI. Chris volunteers to develop future architects and engineers through the ACE Mentorship program.

Chris brings value to the company by leading internal company improvement programs. He is invested in improving DEI within the AEC industry, including efforts to create the JUST report card for Säzän Group. Chris applies his leadership skills and deep industry experience to enhance the company's overall performance.

Dream job (if you weren’t working here!)?
racecar driver
Drink of choice?
old fashioned or any tiki drink
Favorite book?
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Cats, dogs, or other?
dogs no question
What would be the ultimate scientific discovery?
Star Trek Transporter
Favorite project. Why?
Large Binocular Telescope because it’s the only chance to work on a project that ended with multiple documentaries made about it.