Aaron Russell

man wearing glasses in blue button shirt with dark background

Aaron Russell

BIM Manager and Senior Electrical Designer

Main office location Tempe, AZ

Year started in industry 1998

Year started at Säzän 2018

Aaron has worked in the electrical industry for 25 years. As the BIM Manager for our Arizona team and the lead Electrical BIM Manager for the company, his leadership ensures that BIM policies, procedures, standards, and processes are properly implemented and maintained throughout the course of a project. He draws from decades of industry experience and leverages his organizational skills to streamline production practices and keep open lines of communication. He is the lead electrical designer for the Arizona team. He assists in directing and producing electrical, fire alarm, photovoltaic, and engineering design services while providing project and construction management. His strengths include interdisciplinary communication and project quality control. Aaron collaborates closely with architects, engineers, owners, and consultants to provide safe, cost-effective systems that meet the client's needs.

He is involved with the Green Building Initiative (GBI) and is committed to its philosophy of reducing climate impacts by improving the built environment.

Dream job (if you weren’t working here!)?
Building custom cars
Mountains, coast, or desert?
Drink of choice?
IPA or Whiskey
Cats, dogs, or other?
Dog (GSD)
Best bit of advice you have ever received?
Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Dream vacation?